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I will walk over it, but the words remain locked on blank faces, more like a mysterious and elusive
character watching from corners often smiling and occasionally launching into debates that would very soon scare off the other party,
everyone somehow seems hanging from cropped attention spans and the self conscious need to get fucked.
a cold chilly rustle fills the fetid air, an outmoded concentration of shapes cut through the air,
as we walk past our friends and look at them as if they were floating in cyberspace.

i thought of you and i had a wonderful night. it was somehow the epitome of my aloneness, which was like a
positive wake up call, like a voice saying hey babe, you can handle it all just go placidly amid the noise
and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. as far as possible without surrender ...

original texts by ody jarmann, natalie waldbaum, markus ensslin ~:) 2.2.04



made from emails ~:) 10.2.04