¬ b e r l i n 0 4 #6
i'm beyond the stage of judgement at the mo. do what you want, so
I have done my best tracing the line of the Berlin Wall.
there are loads of bizarre statues hidden away in amazing places and you
can walk for hours
and the view seems constantly different:
wasteland with old sofas and ruins covered by leaves, brambles and crap,
a memorial
church for the one which got trapped in the middle of the nowhere land
and finally blasted to bits as late as 1985, further down the road the
wagenburg posse sells saussage with mayo from a caravan, the end of the
line buildings with rough rugged socialist
traces, rust and crippled facades, the Nordbahnhof still untouched with
magpies on its mossy roof,
dwarfed by the a container village for the builders who just built a series
of bricks about half a mile in length,
a graveyard cut in two, with the eastern regime having ploughed through
the wargraves and then laying mines,
and an angel looking sad with a splintered wing and cracked skull but
meticulous hands, and a jesus on
the cross, as tall as me but riddled by bullet holes. then the old iron
bridge, rusting, sagging, still somewhat
stiffened by the hudge arches holding it all together, and the new refurbished
track just some meters on its side.
then up into the friedrichshain park, over the remains of a blasted bunker,
well, you can tell that
germany had its share of regimes.