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¬ grenzland



¬ Imaginary Scenes

The pilon of the new bridge touches the darkening sky over the city . It stretches out into the distance over the Nieuwe Maas and back again, thousands of glittering fragments of glass marking the path.

The water wallops below me; and a large ship disappears behind the cranes guarding the pier. They have got no romance in their soul, not in the darkness. A hissing sound of an underground train, and the winter sky has dissolved into a paler hue. Water taxis pass by. The side walks are littered with fallen leaves.

Beyond, the dark blue river blends into its own shadow while cleaners and maintenance people in overalls scratch stickers off the lamp posts.

Walking over the wet grass in the park (deserted) I sit down.

I wonder where all the people are, the buildings stop, give way to paths covered in rotten leaves. In the distance they peak through the empty branches with an aerodynamic perfection in silvery aluminium and plastic.
In an electro wheel chair a figure melts into the distance.