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war is peace






¬ c o n t e n t s

ongoing project:  -de-


       tracks_08  -en-
       Odra_06 (Along the Odra through Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slowakia:o6) -en.dt.-
       Berlin o4 -en-
       Neuland (Berlin o2, observations) -en-
       Zwischending (East meets West, journeys through Germany) -dt-
       anshelms reise (Germany, Sweden, Britain: a laptop, an MZ combo and lots of rain o0) -en-


       work (text, performance, intervention) -en-
       essays (on writing) -en-

archive/text (2oo2-2oo5)

       dieselampel (text and pix, o2-o5) -en-
       dado (random text: an enhanced version of jamie zawinski's dadadodo by oli) -dt|en-
       wasserherz (list-compilation) -dt-

max ensslin march 2011
