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¬  transit o4 is an interactive journey through eastern Europe (Summer/Autumn 2004). This project will look at environments and borders, a reoccurring theme in my work and research. By this I don't simply mean borders which separate national territories, but also borders of belief systems, historic borders, invisible borders that appear everywhere when you're least prepared to deal with them (like in: it feels weird to be here...), borders which remind you of your heritage, home and what you're familiar with. Outside your home you're a stranger.

For transit o4 I want to invite you to participate in an interactive experiment: Travelling on a motorbike I offer to report back on your questions and comments submitted in the forum. I intend to follow your directions as well as the borders I make out along the way. Bear with me for the time between August and October 2004. Connect, interact and enjoy!
Sceduled for August o4.

¬  anshelms reise (anshelm travelling), the forerunner of transit o4. ...more...
From mid-September until the end of October 2000 I was travelling through Germany, Sweden and Britain on an old MZ combination wherever you sent me. Texts appeared on the site and comments and considerations were added onto the forum. This way what you read was not not to represent an ordinary travel log but a rather de-localized experience.

Travelling in the "real" world exposed me to people, places and local norms, yet by being "remotely controlled" I became influenced by people I didn't actually meet. So how does this influence the reading and writing of our perceived reality?
... more text and visuals ...

¬  zwischending ...more...

zwischending is an ongoing project that features an exploration into landscape, myth, memory and identity; material collected whilst being on the move. Starting with a journey along the Inner-German border along the Rhön last Winter I tracked down the remnants of the border installations.

¬  zoneAB will be a survey along the border between Zone A and Zone B in Berlin,
with photos by Günter Vahlkampf. Check out his website: and a travel project featured on Scedule: autumn/winter o4



max ensslin juneo4 ~:)